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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding BEEGRIS

Sellers' FAQ

* "Sellers" are designers and/or legal owners of ready-for-production digital assets they offer for sale.

Beegris is an international marketplace destination, designed to enable me to reach an unlimited customer base to retailers looking for the type of P.0.P displays I have to sell – worldwide.

When I upload my creative, free of charge, I can:

  • Get immediate international exposure for my portfolio
  • Sell ready-for-production assets again and again, to new clients
  • Increase my overall ROI and generate new revenues for my business

No. Any and all items you upload to be marketed and sold via this destination are welcome FREE OF CHARGE.

The Beegris marketplace is a commercial destination for retailers of all types, sizes and verticals, who are looking for display systems for their locations.

Easily – just use the 3-step upload protocol and follow the simple instruction.

No. You retain all rights for your creative and solutions – by selling you only permit a specific buyer to produce the product for their specific needs.

Yes – any type of product of which I am the legal owner of, that is relevant for retail-oriented business usage can be uploaded and sold at the Beegris marketplace.

  • By making your product available on this marketplace you get immediate worldwide exposure for it, with an audience of retail business owners and operators across all retail domains – for free!
  • You can also take advantage of future Beegris campaign tools, coming soon.

Yes. Just enter the relevant information when you upload each product using the simple template. As soon as your entry has been reviewed & validated by the Beegris team – your item will appear online for sale.

As the seller of any given product, you will earn AT LEAST 40% of any sales price you define for it. A dynamic revenue-share model will be applied by Beegris ASAP, by which Designers whose items prove popular among customers – will receive an even higher percentage of their sale price.

Proceeds from your sales will appear in the bank account you specify on your Seller's profile – when you upload your items.

  • The unique advantage about Beegris is that it is the first and only marketplace that unites Sellers and Buyers of retail-specific solutions for fulfilling their respective business needs – internationally!
  • A key advantage unique to this marketplace is the fact that items offered here are ready-for-production!

We invite you to visit and review this marketplace, and feel free to register and upload your creative at any time of your convenience.

Buyers' FAQ

* "Buyers" are retailers of any segment looking for creative, immediate and cost-effective P.O.P solutions for their sites.

A source of creative and diverse P.O.P display systems that are ready-for-production, which means you save on time and budget when I purchase them.

The unparallel advantages for you are several:

  • Saving time : because the portfolio of creative solutions from around the world is based on ready-for-production products: no need for time-consuming design intervals.
  • Saving money : because an available product costs less that one requiring a full design cycle from scratch.
  • Rich portfolio : you get immediate exposure to diverse and vast offering, by leading design firms from around the globe.

Currently you can review and purchase creative P.O.P solutions. Additional products, such as Packaging solutions etc. will be offered on this marketplace soon.

Sellers on this commercial destination include leading industrial design professionals and firms from around the world, as well as individual industrial designers specialized in retail solutions

You can review the products' portfolio offered on at your convenience, at any time. In order to purchase items from our portfolio you need to register by providing just your email contact and a password you define for yourself. For your convenience we also provide the optional MY PROFILE section, which you are welcome to use in case you may wish to have specific business details appearing you invoices, or enjoy future advanced services.

Once your purchase is processed you will receive an email with a link for downloading the digital assets acquired, to the mailbox you provide during registration.

You are welcome to contact us at any time, with regards to any question and issue.

The items purchased on this marketplace are digital assets. One purchase is complete they cannot be returned.

Products offered here originate from design sources from around the world.

General FAQ

  • Beegris is a marketplace destination offering retail business owners unparallel exposure to creative, cost effective and ready-for-production P.O.P Displays and other retail-oriented solutions.
  • Both the Bee and the Tiger are creatures active in their respective communities; likewise, Beegris is intended as an efficient community for the retail players it caters to.

  • The Beegris brand name refers to a new and exciting type of animal: It incorporates the industrious nature and communal values of the Bee, and the focus and purpose of the Tigris.

This marketplace fuses advantages and benefits for both Buyers and Sellers of retail-oriented solutions, making it a Win-Win destination:

  • Buyers get unparallel exposure and access to a vast creative portfolio of ready-for-production cost-efficient products they seek.
  • Sellers get immediate exposure and access to a global client base – and the opportunity to offer portfolio pieces they already have in store.

The fact that it represents unprecedented value to both Buyers and Sellers alike.

The community this destination was established for includes Industrial designers and design firms specializing in creating retail solutions – and retail business owners and operators of all segments.

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